How to Be a Widow

Years ago, my Aunt Norma became a widow and kept a journal of the experience. She gave me the journal hoping that, one day, I’d be able to fashion into a guide book for anyone surviving a loss. That day has finally come! How to Be a Widow: A Journey from Grief to Growth is a brief, honest account of becoming a widow. It’s livelier than you might think, full of vivid everyday detail and moments of piercing spiritual clarity. This little book can be a comfort and a revelation not only to widows, but to anyone in pain.

Beginning with the words, “First your husband has to die,” this book is filled with humor, insight and inspiration. It helped me through my divorce as well as some of the lower moments of my career and I’m certain I will refer to it throughout my life. I hope you’ll take a moment to check out the preview.

Also available on Amazon.


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6 responses to “How to Be a Widow

  1. Pat Edmonds

    I am with a library and I ordered this for our collection. Can’t wait to get it.

    • My aunt Norma will be thrilled to hear it. It is her greatest dream to provide relief to anyone going through the process of grieving. She did it with such humor and style that I find it inspiring.

  2. Julio

    The book´s editor, Laura was, years ago, a true love of mine, and both of us know we truly loved each other for a while, and to this day I feel that kind of loss was just as painfull as when you lose someone related to you.
    Love fades, love rocks, love stinks… turn me lose.

  3. Reality Seeker!


    I know your Aunt wrote this book in the literal sense of how to be a widow. But I have learned through life anytime your situation changes from what you thought was your reality, you have to grieve for it and move on. That can be friendships gone, infidelity in a marriage, a change in your child – you have to grieve for how you thought things were and accept your reality!

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