Krewe of Muses 2012

Too busy parading to write, but I have been taking photo and videos. For more information and history about Krewe of Muses, read last year’s post. This year, the theme was “Muses go Shopping.” Celebrity guests included hometown girl, Patricia Clarkson (known here as Councilwoman, Jackie Clarkson’s daughter) riding in the giant lit stiletto and Theresa Andersson, singing live atop a giant swan followed by our beautiful city made of papier mache hats. We even spotted Ted Danson quietly marching along, taking it all in.

Bands included St. Augustine, O. Perry Walker, Xavier, Kennedy , L.B. Landry, West Jefferson, Walter L. Cohen and Warren Easton. Lots of traditional flambeau lighting was followed by the Big Easy Rollergirls, Lady Godiva, Circus Arts, Rolling Elvi, Pussyfooters, Camel Toe Steppers, Stooges Brass Band, 610, Stompers, Bearded Oysters, DancingMan504, Panorama Brass Band, the new NOLA Cherry Bombs and Noisician Coalition. Enjoy them all in the video!


Filed under Carnival, Charity, Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2012, parade, shopping

6 responses to “Krewe of Muses 2012

  1. Thanks for this blog! I really enjoyed the muses parade video… As one homesick Cajun girl… I could almost feel the atmosphere! Could almost smell the stale beer in the street… And hey! That sounded like me screaming… Love love love Muses… I was able to experience it firsthand in 2008, and still proudly display my throws: blinking highheel beads on my Mardi GRAS tree here in PA, could be the only MG tree in Pennsylvania! Anyhow, thanks again for sharing your journey :oD

  2. I’m sooo jealous! You got a shoe!! I don’t keep still long enough to try to get one but, I WANT one…lol
    I bet Ted Danson LOVED hanging around. Most celebs love being here because, we tend to leave them alone. Some have actually complained that, they’d never return here because they were treated like “normal” people…not like a celebrity! ROTFL!

  3. cookiemomma

    Cool pics and shoe!!!

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