Tag Archives: Chris Stein

Backstage at Vintage Trouble, KISS and Blondie!

Having lived and worked in Los Angeles for almost 18 years, I had more than my share of red carpets and backstage passes. Moving to New Orleans, I assumed my social life would include a lot less of that. Many concerts here are open to everyone and you can say hello to the band without getting on a list or wearing a laminated tag. This weekend, NOLA played host to the NCAA Final 4 and a weekend-long free concert series, the Big Dance, bringing in bands ranging from the Black Keys to Jimmy Buffett. The giant riverside Woldenberg Park was fenced in and gated and security was in full effect protecting the bands from the enormous crowds. Luckily, I had friends in high places. Continue reading


Filed under Concerts, Culture, entertainment industry, free events and lagniappe, moving