Tag Archives: Lafayette Academy

Krewes of King Arthur and Alla Parades

Krewe of King Arthur celebrated their 40th anniversary with colorful floats and costumes commemorating the event. The third of 4 parades Sunday, it seemed like they had every dance krewe and marching band that hadn’t already rolled. Adult parading krewes included NOLA Cherry Bombs, NOLA Nyxettes, Amelia Earhawts, the new Alter Egos, Roux La La in a Rio theme, the fabulously beaded corsets of Dames de Perlage and the Red Hot Dancing Queens of Cincinnati, Ohio making their debut. (PHOTOS) Continue reading

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Filed under Carnival, Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2017, parade

Krewes of Pontchartrain & Choctaw

It’s Carnival time and the parades are in full swing. It was a balmy beautiful day for the Krewes of Pontchartrain and Choctaw so St. Charles was crowded with families, coolers and ladder chairs. Krewe of Pontchartrain (established 1975 and named for Lake Pontchartrain) is a tractor-drawn parade with an open door policy allowing even tourists to ride with them.  The Big Easy Rollergirls got things “rolling” along with  dance teams including  The Dance ConnectionXtreme Voltage Dance TeamDance Innovation and the Muff-A-Lottas (all pictured below). Continue reading

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Filed under Carnival, Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2016, parade

Second Line, Class Got Brass, Congo Square, Stooges and Rebirth (again)

After the perfect day we had Saturday, we finished the weekend with a perfect Sunday. Again, the weather was warm and sunny with a constant balmy breeze. Breakfast was Camellia Grill in the French Quarter. Gotta love those grits and the service (complete with fist-bumps) always puts a smile on my face. Then it was off to Armstrong Park for the Revolution Social Aid and Pleasure Club’s second line. We found Briana Edwards of Raintree Children and Family Services in the crowd of steppers and jumpers then followed along. Loved the snappy school kid costumes the paraders wore. Continue reading

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Filed under Charity, Concerts, Culture, decorations and costumes, entertainment industry, festival, free events and lagniappe, Local Cuisine, parade, walking