Tag Archives: TBC

Chaz Fest and Tujague’s Honors

After a one year hiatus, Chaz Fest is back. Named for Washboard Chaz who joins every group, the festival was formed a decade ago when members of The Tin Men (and Alex McMurray’s wife) came up with the backyard festival as a reaction to being rejected by Jazz Fest. Held at the Truck Farm, an artists haven, the 2 stages (one in the yard and one in the woods) rotate so that the music is nonstop – 14 bands in under 10 hours. With its rustic porches, patios, enclaves and hideaways – all festooned with whimsically painted signs – the Truck Farm always reminds me of my childhood at Lemonade Farm, the subject of my novel by the same name. The food feels homegrown and the people are dressed like Dead Heads and flower children. It’s 1976 again with peace in the air.  Continue reading

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Filed under Concerts, Culture, festival, Local Cuisine

Street Kings and Krewe of Boo Parade

In 2010, Red Bull sponsored a battle of the bands between popular local brass bands – calling it Street Kings. This year, they reprised the contest packing Claiborne Ave under the I-10 overpass. This year’s bands included TBC, New Breed, New Creations and the Original Pinettes – the city’s only all-female brass band. Like most events in New Orleans, there were craft booths, food booths and bars a-plenty. The winning band receives mentorship from Trombone Shorty during 3 days of recording time in the Red Bull Studios. Trombone Shorty also served as one of the judges along with Kermit Ruffins, Walter Ramsey (of the former winners – Stooges Brass Band), WGNO’s Lebron Joseph and Offbeat Magazine’s Jan Ramsey. The event was hosted by the energetic duo of DJ Slab 1 and Glen David Andrews. Continue reading


Filed under Concerts, Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, parade

Mardi Gras Indians 2013

There are so many things to love about this city and many of them can only be found here in New Orleans. Topping the list of marvels seen nowhere else in the world are the Mardi Gras Indians parading on Super Sunday. HBO’s Treme exposed these amazing craftsmen to the public but there’s nothing like watching the wind in the plumes and the glint of sun on beads as they dance and chant accompanied by drum beats. Tribes come from Uptown and Downtown to peacock for the crowds and war for who’s the “prettiest.” The upside to all the recent media attention is that the parade now has an official route with police escorts and permits. The downside is that now gobs of people with a camera or iPhone or iPad or phone  crowd around the Indians like paparazzi on Lindsey Lohan. Continue reading

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Filed under Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, history, Local Cuisine, parade

Krewe du Vieux and Krewe Delusion 2013

Last week, I attended the last My Darlin’ New Orleans event thrown by the producers of HBO’s Treme. It was bittersweet as it means the show will end next season. Our city is the better for the jobs the production created, the peek it gave others into our unique local culture and the light it shined on the Mardi Gras Indians and a little known parade called Krewe Du Vieux. Among the many amazing performances that night was Al Johnson singing his classic It’s Carnival Time.
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Filed under Carnival, Culture, decorations and costumes, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2013, parade

Second Line, Class Got Brass, Congo Square, Stooges and Rebirth (again)

After the perfect day we had Saturday, we finished the weekend with a perfect Sunday. Again, the weather was warm and sunny with a constant balmy breeze. Breakfast was Camellia Grill in the French Quarter. Gotta love those grits and the service (complete with fist-bumps) always puts a smile on my face. Then it was off to Armstrong Park for the Revolution Social Aid and Pleasure Club’s second line. We found Briana Edwards of Raintree Children and Family Services in the crowd of steppers and jumpers then followed along. Loved the snappy school kid costumes the paraders wore. Continue reading

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Filed under Charity, Concerts, Culture, decorations and costumes, entertainment industry, festival, free events and lagniappe, Local Cuisine, parade, walking

Krewe de Vieux and Krewedelusion 2012

It’s Carnival time!!! Kids on Christmas Eve have got nothing on New Orleanians anticipating Mardi Gras so when I heard a brass band passing through the French Quarter Saturday afternoon, I ran to find The Roots of Music marching through the the streets, rehearsing for their 6 upcoming parades, and squealed with delight. Enjoy the short video of the casually dressed but very skilled kids who’ve dedicated themselves to training after school with this wonderful non-profit group. They certainly got me in the mood for Krewe du Vieux and Krewedelusion’s parades later that evening. Continue reading

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Filed under Carnival, Charity, Culture, decorations and costumes, entertainment industry, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2012, moving, parade