Krewes of Proteus & Orpheus Parades

Krewe of Proteus, the oldest night parade, was established in 1882 and features seahorse throws. I love the romantic nostalgia of seeing some version of earlier parades. Flambeau light the way as they did before the invention of streetlights. Last I heard, the mythologically inspired floats still sit atop the original wooden chassis.

The superkrewe Orpheus parade takes the spectacle to another level. The street fills with legions of flambeau leading star-studded royalty. First up was Keegan-Michael Key who I stopped photographing when I realized he was pointing at me to catch his beads. Co-founder Harry Connick Jr. rode as king in the same float we got to ride in with Quentin Tarantino in 2014. I love any excuse to remember that experience. Blindspot‘s Jaime Alexander and Trombone Shorty (and nephew Jenard Andrews of New Breed Brass Band) led the way for the rest of the ornate floats festooned with the signature giant flowers.

I love the elaborately lit floats as well – especially the super-long Smokey Mary train float and the dragon whose head moves and occasionally blows smoke into the crowd. Enjoy the photos and next up is Fat Tuesday!

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Filed under Carnival, Culture, decorations and costumes, entertainment industry, free events and lagniappe, Mardi Gras 2018, parade

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