Tag Archives: Maurice Brown

Fleetwood Mac Plays Jazz Fest

Jazz Fest is about music and food but weather is always part of the story with 2 recurring themes – heat and rain. The sun was out before Saturday’s festivities but the week’s rainstorms left LOTS of mud prompting some to call the event, “Mud Fest.” And it was unusually cool. After passing the festively decorated houses with musicians playing out front on the way in, we grabbed a Panorama Foods Crawfish Bread and walked around the track. The New Orleans Bingo! Show was playing the Gentilly Stage so we paused for a few of their experimental songs with accompanying burlesque dancers. Continue reading

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Filed under Concerts, Culture, festival, Local Cuisine

Jazz Fest from the Beer Booth

Did you know you can attend Jazz Fest for free while helping your community? Turns out there are many ways to volunteer at Jazz Fest. When I found out that Raintree Children and Family Services would be working the Fireman’s beer booth 2 days this Fest, I was in! Raintree (founded in 1926) offers services for foster care children, children with disabilities and at-risk children. They also have a home for teenaged girls who were unable to find placement in the foster care system. The booth faced the Acura Stage, the largest stage at the Fest and host to the more popular bands, so though I couldn’t hop around, I was treated to fairly non-stop wonderful music. Continue reading

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Filed under Concerts, decorations and costumes, festival, Local Cuisine, parade