Tag Archives: The Grocery

Favorite Things in NOLA 2011

I continue to accumulate favorite things about New Orleans, but here’s my second year favorites in a nutshell. Anything named previously in my Favorite Things in NOLA 2010 is marked with an Asterix*. Though there are too many “ties,” revealing an inability to “just pick one,” I promise you there were so many more things I wanted to include, so many more people and places I felt deserved mentioning. Continue reading


Filed under Concerts, decorations and costumes, entertainment industry, festival, free events and lagniappe, Local Cuisine, parade, shopping, the Saints

L.A. to N.O.LA’s Favorite Things (in NOLA) 2010

I can’t get you all of this stuff, Oprah-style, but every item has links to their site. If you’d like to know more about why each is my favorite, use the search window on the lower right to find photos, videos and stories.

I continue to accumulate favorite things about New Orleans, but here’s my first year favorites in a nutshell. Continue reading


Filed under Charity, Concerts, Culture, decorations and costumes, festival, free events and lagniappe, Local Cuisine, Mardi Gras 2010, moving, parade, shopping, Super Bowl 2010, the Saints, walking